Edwards family stories Alexander’s Birth – Induction I will never forget waving goodbye to Paulette (Eric’s sister) and her children as they stood on our veranda just after 8am on 8 July 1999. It felt rather strange taking a sedate trip into hospital at a...
Duncan’s Story: A Homebirth “From the Man’s Perspective” It all started for me some three and a half years ago at an antenatal class – a bunch of expectant first time parents sitting there with a group of strangers wondering, “What the hell am I doing here?”...
Aria’s Birth Sean had arrived 10 days late, but with Jess coming 5 days early I was certain that Aria would arrive before her due date as well, especially as her head was fully engaged at 35 weeks. Alas, she had other ideas, so when I was 40 weeks and 6 days, I...
Baby M’s Birth Story From the time I first knew I was pregnant I wanted to give birth at home if I could. A hospital environment just didn’t sound attractive and my research into home births showed that it was at least as safe as a hospital birth. I also didn’t...