Read articles from our home birth matters magazine. Written by home birth women and midwives of New Zealand.
Most Recent Articles
Michel Odent touring New Zealand this May
Obstetric practice is generally evaluated in the short term. In this workshop, Dr Odent will encourage you to consider modes of birth in the long term, and the impact they have on our species and its evolution. This will be a thought-provoking workshop…
Media Release: Coroner’s Report
Media release: It is with the greatest empathy to the whānau of Casey Nathan and her son Kymani that Home Birth Aotearoa releases this statement in response to the recommendations in the Coroner’s Report…
2014 National Spring Hui
Auckland Home Birth Support Groups together with Home Birth Aotearoa warmly invite you to come along to our National Spring Hui, to be held at the Umupuia Marae, Auckland. We invite representatives and members…
Documentary “Microbirth”
Featuring prominent scientists from the UK and North America, “Microbirth” warns that modern birth practices could be interfering with critical biological processes making our children more susceptible to disease…
2014 Trustee Nominations
Nominations are open for trustees to Home Birth Aotearoa Trust. Trusteeship is a voluntary position, strategically managing the activities of the trust in collaboration with our existing trustees and employees…
2014 Southern Pod Hui
Our Hui brought together Members from Queenstown, Te Anau, Dunedin, Invercargill and Bluff. It was a beautiful experience in a beautiful location surrounded by equally beautiful, magical and like minded people…
2014 International Day of the Midwife
May 5 – Nationwide – The Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health say, “Any violence which greets a baby in the womb or around the time of birth will serve as a silent and unconscious form of conditioning…
2013 Home Birth Hui
Summer kicked off with the national hui in November, held at Arai Te Uru Marae in Dunedin. Hui this year began with a trustee hui where our strategic vision was examined and planning for current and new projects…
Why Home Birth?
In New Zealand, around 3.5% of births are home births (according to a 2019 study), and this percentage has remained fairly stable, although increasing slightly in recent years. In certain regions, such as the West Coast of the South Island, the rate of home births is at a much higher 12.5%. This is most likely because of supportive midwifery homes and natural birthing centres in the region.