Orgasmic Birth. By Samantha Thurlby-Brooks Mar 2014 Released in 2008, Orgasmic Birth is a documentary that explores the ability for women to give birth using the innate power within. Joyous, sensuous and revolutionary, Orgasmic Birth brings the ultimate challenge to...
Moon Circle – being with women. By Sian Hannagan Jan 2018 Lucy Aitken-Read’s latest creation, Moon Circle is exactly what I needed to read in this sometimes summer season. I have spent so much of my last months in the process of doing. I have had no time simply for...
Men & Love at Birth. By Sandy McGivern-Butler Jun 2016 Let me start by putting right out there; I absolutely loved this book. So much that I bought my own copy so I could both reread bits of it whenever I wanted to and lend it out to friends to help them feel...
A Poemic Review. By Jana Loorparg Dec 2015 Iam going to jump straight in and say that no matter how many books on home birth you’ve read, you’ve got to read this one. Why? Because it is different. Bold. As bold as a book on home birth can be. And unexpected, in both...
Home Birth Hui 2018. By Home Birth Aotearoa Jun 2018 Our Spring Hui was held at Horouta Marae in Porirua. A huge thanks to the marae for hosting us and the Wellington Homebirth Community for organising the event. It was a fantastic opportunity to catch up with our...