Alex’s Birth Story

Alex’s Birth Story

Alex’s Birth Story By Alice Brooking Photos are by Recollections Photography   I will start by saying everything I expected about his birth did not happen! I was expecting a shorter labour than what I had with Thomas (my first child-6 hours start to finish) but...
George’s Birth Story

George’s Birth Story

George’s Birth Story   We bought a housebus, an 1954 Bedford SB3, off some family friends whose gypsy travelling days were behind them. It was set up with everything – bedroom, kitchen, bathroom – but it had been quietly rusting away, leaking in the rain, musty...
Bali Rose

Bali Rose

Birth of Bali Rose By Keely B   Birth was not something we talked about in our home growing up, in fact I remember feeling scared about giving birth before I was even a teenager. I had seen it movies; a woman in hospital screaming, sweating, begging for drugs,...
Kahu’s Birth Story

Kahu’s Birth Story

Kahu’s Birth Story   In March, a positive pregnancy test confirmed that we were expecting. I was really nervous throughout the first 3 months because I had had a miscarriage at around 8 weeks just 2 months earlier. We found out the sex early at our 15-week scan...
Jasmin’s Birth Story

Jasmin’s Birth Story

Jasmin’s Birth Story   Raglan was very conducive to a fantastic summer pregnancy. Most days were spent devouring every book from the Homebirth library on the deck of my house. If it was just too hot another expectant mum and I headed to the beach, dug holes...
A little owl is born

A little owl is born

A little owl is born. By Sarah Sue Roth   It’s Monday and I have got an appointment with my osteopath up the road to help encourage baby (aka “Owl,” as we called our bump) to drop into my pelvis. I have been having more frequent and stronger “practice...