Michel Odent touring New Zealand this May
In conjunction with Capers Bookstore, Home Birth Aotearoa is proud to announce that Michel Odent will be hitting our shores this May to present his workshop Childbirth and the Evolution of Homo Sapiens.
Obstetric practice is generally evaluated in the short term. In this workshop, Dr Odent will encourage you to consider modes of birth in the long term, and the impact they have on our species and its evolution. This will be a thought-provoking workshop for anyone interested in childbirth and the period surrounding birth.
The period surrounding birth is a phase of modern life that has been dramatically altered in recent decades, and emerging scientific disciplines have shown that this short period is critical in the formation of human beings. Michel Odent, former obstetrician and revolutionary childbirth pioneer, believes that these are two good reasons to raise questions about the way babies are born, and the consequences this may have for the evolution of Homo sapiens. Furthermore, the transmission of acquired traits to subsequent generations can now be scientifically interpreted (epigenetics, the transmission of the mircobiome etc). This may represent a defining moment in our understanding of the mechanisms by which evolution occurs. Recent scientific advances have been so spectacular that Dr Odent has just released his book of the same name (Childbirth and the Evolution of Homo sapiens).
Michel Odent is the world’s best known obstetrician (now retired) and an extremely popular speaker at conferences across the world. He was in charge of both the surgical and maternity units at the state hospital in Pithiviers, France (1962-1985), where his advocacy for a home-like birthing environment and birthing pools, attracted worldwide interest. He is the author of many articles and his books include The Caesarean, Primal Health, Birth and Breastfeeding, The Scientification of Love and The Functions of the Orgasms, Childbirth in the Age of Plastics and most recently, Childbirth and the Evolution of Homo sapiens (2014). He founded the Primal Health Research Centre in 1987 with its freely accessible databank of articles.
Register at www.capersbookstore.com.au
All non-professional affiliates of Home Birth Aotearoa are eligible for a $30 discount until April 1st.
Full-time undergraduate students who are not also working as health professionals are entitled to a $20.00 discount when registering online. Enter the Promotional Coupon Code STUDENT20 in the final stages of the Shopping Cart. Proof of student status is required at onsite registration at the workshop.