Education Series



Home Birth Aotearoa is funded to provide National Home Birth Services. The Trust Board applies this contract by working in partnership with women, whānau and midwives to promote and raise the awareness of home birth. In 2022 Home Birth Aotearoa Trustees contracted Kristin White of Mamarise to create our education series that would be easily and freely accessible.  These video presentations are designed to help educate people who are planning to birth at home or exploring their options.  There are four video presentations that cover a range of topics, from the benefits of birthing at home, through to breastfeeding and safe sleeping. Also, each presentation has a summary of key points that you can download/print for your reference.  So go grab a cuppa and your support people and sit back and relax and watch the videos in your own time.

Home Birth Aotearoa believe in equity and fairness and want all people to have access to the same opportunities.  Therefore we have made our education series free for all to access and should you feel you are in the position to give a koha, to help support the regional groups across Aotearoa, we would greatly appreciate it.

“Birth is not only about making babies. Birth is about making mothers–strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength.”
― Barbara Katz Rothman


Meet our facilitator Kristin White and learn how her three very different births: a hospital C-section, hospital vaginal birth after caesarean (V-BAC) and homebirth after caesarean (HBAC), transformed her and propelled her into birth work.  She is a Certified Healing Birth Practitioner and a qualified childbirth educator. She has also completed papers in communications and counselling.

Session 1

Our first session focuses on physiological birth at home. Kristin will introduce herself and discuss with you the benefits of birthing at home, the progression of labour and birth, alternative pain relief options, your hormones, birthing positions and then she ends the session with a relaxing visualisation exercise.

Session 2

This next session explores what may happen if you choose to or need to transfer to a hospital setting.  Kristin covers some of the reasons why a transfer may be needed and what to expect.  She will discuss medical interventions and drugs and go over the B.R.A.I.N tool and how to take home with you, into the medical realm.

Session 3

This informative session is about preparing for your home birth.  Kristin talks about choosing your support team wisely and creating a comfortable birthing space.  She will cover the practical things you may need, as well as what your highly prepared midwife brings.  Also what happens after the birth, baby and mama health checks, the placenta, and the first breastfeed.

Session 4

In our final session, we cover breastfeeding and the 4th trimester. Kristin will cover breastfeeding positions and the optimal latch, what baby’s feeding pattern may look like and challenges that may arise. She talks about the ‘baby blues’ and post natal depression and support groups and services.  Also safe sleeping, baby wearing and your expectations.

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All proceeds from sales will go towards supporting regional home birth groups