Your Home Birth
Image credit: Marta Willis – Midwife Anne Sharplin
Hapūtanga – Pregnancy
Are you considering having a baby or have you taken a test and discovered you are pregnant? You are probably beginning to think about what your options are and wanting to gather some information to help with decision making and to improve your chances of having a healthy pregnancy and birth. Keep in mind, that throughout this journey and beyond, it is your body, your baby and your choice.
Whakawhānau – Birth
You may have a list of questions, wondering about what to expect and what may happen during your labour and the birth of your baby. Every woman’s birth experience will be different. When a woman is surrounded and supported by her partner, whānau, friends and midwife in her home, she becomes empowered to listen to her body. The privacy and safety of birthing at home without interference, is a positive experience for most women.
Image credit: Kylee – Midwife Nell Hurst
Image credit: Jorinde Rapsey – Midwife Margaret Gardener
Mātuatanga – Parenthood
The first few day and weeks after your baby is born, is what some refer to as the ‘babymoon’, is the time spent getting to know each other. It’s a time for the whole whānau to bond and for new parents to get used to caring for their baby. While life with a new baby can be bewildering and demanding, as you learn and adjust to your baby’s changing needs, try go with the flow and remember you need to look after yourself so you can look after your baby.
Te Whare Tapu Whā
Te Whare Tapu Whā is represented by a wharenui. The connection with the whenua/land forms the foundation of the wharenui and the four walls of the wharenui each represent a different health dimension that supports the wellbeing, of individuals, whānau and communities. These dimensions are: Taha tinana- Physical well-being, Taha hinengaro- Mental and emotional wellbeing, Taha wairua- Spiritual wellbeing and Taha whanau- Family and social wellbeing.
Image credit: Home Birth Aotearoa – Hui 2018